Chipmunk Repellent Natural Recipes and Analysis

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The commercial repellents for chipmunks, like most animals, are not recommended. Mothballs are usually ignored, and are more harmful to children and pets than to a passing chipmunk. Seed and bulb topical products cannot be used on food plants and often wash away after a few days. Predator odors are generally ignored, just as we would ignore the smell of a bear unless one was in sight. Instead of spending money on these ineffective routes, you may want to install a few owl houses around your property if you live in a rural location. Instead of just threatening the chipmunk with predator urine, actually bring in a predator! Or you can make your own homemade natural chipmunk repellent by griding up super hot peppers in an oil or water solution and spraying it on the plants.

Unfortunately for the gardeners, effective chipmunk control means eliminating the chipmunk’s food source. This doesn’t mean you need to rip up all your lilies and put in ground cover, it just means that you should consider the use of a greenhouse. Chipmunk can climb almost any fence, so a complete enclosure is needed to prevent garden raids. Some luck has been had in gardens with heavy fabric placed over the seeds or bulbs during the dormant season. Bird feeders should also be removed or outfitted with special plates that prevent squirrels and chipmunks from scaling the pole. You don’t have to eliminate these items forever; just long enough for the chipmunk to become disheartened and move on to your neighbor’s garden. Exclusion is always the best method of chipmunk control if possible.

The best method is probably physical trapping and removal. Read here about chipmunk trapping techniques.

What You Should Know About Repelling Chipmunks - Chipmunks are from the squirrel family and are found mostly along the east and west coastal areas. They love forests and trees, but many have been discovered closer to homes as urban sprawl is becoming more and more prominent. This little creatures are fun to watch, but may cause havoc to your garden and plant life. If they start to get out of hand it is best to remove them from your environment. What separates the chipmunk from the squirrel, besides their size, is the fact that chipmunks have striped features on their face and pouches in their cheeks. Another distinction is when a squirrel runs away their tail is horizontal, while the chipmunk will run off with its tail straight up.

Chipmunks mostly eat berries, seeds, and nuts but will find roots and tubers if available, which is why they can become a nuisance in the garden. They will store large amounts of food in their pouches and then scurry back to their burrow and hide it for the winter months. They live underground in burrows which can be very extensive that may end under your house’s foundation. Chipmunks will lightly hibernate in the winter waking up once in a while to eat their winter food. Since they can have four to five babies twice a year, it is possible to build up quite a family in a short time without some type of chipmunk control.

Creating A Non-Habitat For Chipmunks - One of the best safeguards in keeping chipmunks away from your property is to create an environment that is not conducive to the rodent. Chipmunks love to live in areas where there are things to hide in and around. For example, if you have piles of rocks or bushes chances are that you will find these little guys. They also like stacked firewood and thick bushes to hide out in. If you clean up your yard and clear away any debris that is lying around along with weed regular weed removal, it helps deter the chipmunk. If you love to feed the birds try building a bird feeder that is high above the ground, and then clean up any overflow that falls to the ground.

Using a Repellent For Chipmunks - Before starting any chipmunk control it is good to check into local laws regarding the rodent and uses of repellents. Some states have strict regulations. Although some people think moth balls are an effective repellent of most rodents, they are not, and there are new studies out now that are linking mothballs to cancer. There are many homemade repellants such as garlic or hot peppers mixed in soapy water that can be sprayed on to plants. There are also commercial repellants that are effective. These products are made to last up to thirty days. Other repellant ideas are castor oil, coyote urine and soap with ammonia. Whatever your choice be sure that they repellent will not harm other life you wish to have around you.

You can also read:
how to get rid of chipmunks in the garden
how to get rid of chipmunks in the house
how to get rid of chipmunks in the house

You're here to learn how to get rid of chipmunks in your birdfeeder. This site is intended to provide chipmunk education and information, so that you can make an informed decision if you need to deal with a chipmunk problem. This site provides many chipmunk control articles and strategies, if you wish to attempt to solve the problem yourself. If you are unable to do so, which is likely with many cases of chipmunk removal, please go to the home page and click the USA map, where I have wildlife removal experts listed in over 500 cites and towns, who can properly help you with your nuisance chipmunk.

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