How to inspect a house for mouse entry holes

House mice have different capabilities; they can jump, crawl and even use the smallest holes to get into the house. The first important stage that will help you get rid of them without any difficulties is inspection. Through inspection and monitoring, you will be able to identify their entry holes and other hiding places.

Here are some pin pointers that will help you identify presence and entry points of house mice:

Droppings and their urine stains

Droppings from house mice have pointed ends and they are about ¼ to 1/8 inch long and their urine has a musky odor and in most cases the stains are usually noticeable on wood. It is therefore a good idea to search your drawers, cabinets, counters and under the sinks for either droppings or urine stains. Identifying them will help you easily locate an entry hole into your house.

Marks of gnawing and shavings

Mice usually gnaw on almost everything; therefore you can look for tooth marks on doors, windows, baseboards, pipes, cabinets, goods that are packaged and piles of wood. Once you identify these marks, you will be in a better position to trail their entry points into your house.

Holes burrowed

Mice usually burrow their own holes and use them as entry points into the house; in order to identify these holes, you have to carefully inspect corners, entryways, foundations and walls for any entry holes. You have to thoroughly inspect your house because these burrowed holes act as a direct connection from their homes into your house.

Trails, runways and tracks

Mice have a very poor eye sight therefore they use specific routes to get food and nests to hide hence making it easier to identify their entry points into your house. You can therefore identify their entry holes in to the house by looking for their footprints.


Mice will always scuttle, squeak and gnaw inside walls especially during the night. This makes it possible to identify their entry points into your house.

Inspection does not only involve the inner side of your house but it begins from outside the house. You have to inspect your fences to ensure that there are no entry points that will allow mice to get into your house. The drainage and the plumbing systems are also possible points that will allow mouse from get into your building. It is of utter importance to ensure that these places are well secured and seek for immediate help when you realize that they have problems.

Thick vegetation, clutter, piles of wood and debris are also favored by mice; you have to make sure that they are taken care of properly.

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