A mole hill is the conical structure which is commonly observed on lawns, grounds and gardens. The overall structure of the mole hill shows that this conical mound is consisting of the soil. There is an arrangement of loose soil and this is raised by the burrowing animals most commonly by moles. That is why it is called a mole hill. Some other animals similar to moles also build these structures like the mole rats, voles and other type moles called the marsupial moles. Usually the presence of mole hills in the garden or ground are used as the sign of identification of a certain animal and these mole hills signify the presence of a certain animal which might have created it.
Usually the burrowing animals do not go away after creating these mounds or hills. They in fact remain there and also create underground tunnels and veins just as the mole does. Basically the mole hills are made from the waste soil which is brought from the downward dug soil by the moles. If the animal is establishing new burrows in places, the mole hills are observed in those places. In addition to this, if the animals are repairing the burrows or digging in order to increase their depth, this also gives rise to the construction of mole hills and is visible even from distance.
Mole hills by moles
The mole hills are created by the moles when they start digging the soil in gardens and lawns. The technical point in building the mole hills by moles is that these molehills are dug beneath the roots or trees or large supporting shrubs. Therefore the roots of these plants serve the supporting function of the mole hills and do not let the soil collapse. In addition to this the mole hills and underground tunnels are also supported by the roots. The presence of mole hills can be detected to be in lines. The moles build these hills along their route where the dig the burrows. Sometimes these hills are built exactly on the burrows but at other ties these may be built at the end of the side tunnels. The depth of these mole hills varies from 12 to 18 inches depending on the running of moles. Molehills consist of the soil which is brought form the deep down layers, therefore it is rich in organic matter. This soil is very fertile to be used in gardening.
More in-detail how-to mole removal articles:
Information about mole trapping - analysis and methods for how to trap.
Information about how to kill a mole - with poison or other methods.
Information about how to keep moles away - prevention techniques.
Information about how to catch a mole - remove one stuck in the house.
Information about mole repellent - analysis of types and effectiveness.