Are raccoons able to open doors or windows?

Raccoons, cute creatures, don't you agree? If you live somewhere in North America or even in central Europe, maybe you had this pleasure of seeing them in person. I know I had. Although , they were not so sneaky in the Zoo as I expected them to be. Why sneaky? Well, I am sure that you had at least one chuckle while looking at those funny videos of raccoons running on a treadmill or stealing food from that poor, unprotected cat. Funny, right? Not if you were that cat.

All jokes aside, raccoons are considered to be extremely intelligent animals and the fact that they are adapting to more urban areas can cause a bit of a stress for some people. If you live in that type of area , I am sure that you are used to seeing your trash cans upside down every now and then. Why is that? Raccoons are not so picky when it comes to choosing food. They used to be , but this, let's call them modern raccoons , will gladly eat fruits, nuts and corn. People that live in houses in the area popular for "modern raccoons" usually want to know one thing - can they open doors and windows? So, basically should you expect a raccoon popping up in the middle of the night for some snack? I don't want to sugarcoat you, the answer is yes. Yes, they can open both windows and doors. Actually, couple of years ago a group of scientists tried to establish how smart are those adorable raccoons. Turns out, very smart. They managed to open 11 out 13 lock without any noticeable problem. Scientists even tried changing those lock and turning them upside down, but still, raccoons did it. There are some people who can not get a grip with that, but raccoons can. So do not be surprised if you see them stealing food from your plate this time, not from a cat. For raccoon-loving people , this is a great news. "Yes, I can feed them and we will be best friends. They may even stop by to have a cup of tea with me." Sadly, this is the first thing that went through my head when I found out that they can get into my house. Why sadly? Because I am not 11 years old and I am aware that you can not have a cup of tea with a raccoon. Well, I am aware most of the time. The other half I am busy melting while looking at videos of them entering people’s homes. Yes, they are sneaky and yes, we adore them.

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