Should I Hire A Pro, Or Remove The Skunk Myself?

Due to the sulphuric scent that skunks emit, they are often officially classified as a pest. The smell that they are so famous for is released when they are in mating season (which is typically February and March) and any time that they are in danger. One of the most effective ways of getting rid of a skunk that has made its home in your yard, digging holes in your garden and eating your trash, is by setting a trap. There are many cage traps with spring loaded doors available on the market and you can use peanut butter, cat food or even marshmallows to lure them in. You can then ensure that you don’t get sprayed when approaching the captured skunk by making sure that it doesn’t see you. Walk towards the trap slowly and carefully, holding up a sheet, a towel or something to cover you, then drape this cloth over the trap. This will also encase the skunk in darkness, meaning it will calm down – due to their nocturnal nature, skunks react badly to light.

After you have caught the skunk, you will want to release it back into the wild. Selecting a place where the skunk may be familiar with is advisable, so if you have seen skunks roaming nearby, that is a good option. Woodlands also work well. It is very important to protect yourself when releasing the skunk. Make sure that you wear protective clothing – including thick gloves – covering as much of your skin as possible. Position as much of your body as possible – in particular, your face – away from the cage as you open it to let the skunk out. More often than not, skunks leave these traps calmly, but it is always best to give yourself as much protection as possible, just in case the skunk is particularly frightened. After you have released the skunk, you will want to take precautions with your yard, to make sure none come back.

If none of this appeals to you, and you can afford the cost (which is generally in the area of $150), you can go on to hire a wildlife professional who will do all of the hard work for you. They will capture and release the skunk themselves, meaning that you can avoid all of the risk of possible infection, getting sprayed or even bitten. This method is very humane because the professional knows exactly what they are doing and the best precautions to take. They will have much more experience with skunks than you do and will already have the equipment to hand. Ultimately the choice is yours. Both options are possible, so it depends on your personal needs, requirements and decision.

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