Cuban tree frogs in Florida

The Cuban tree frogs are invasive in nature; they were first spotted in the state of Florida. Though the frogs are native to Cuba, but they have been annoyingly migrating to nearby countries such as the United States. They were accidentally brought into Florida, USA in the 1920s, though, they can be quite tough to identify because they have varieties of colors they appear in; they have been found in colors of grey, white, brown and even green. Sometimes these frogs can change their natural colors. While some of these frogs have splotches or dark streaks on their backs, others do have solid colors that come with no marking.

Cuban tree frogs are annoying pests for a number of reasons; they can harm the natural ecosystem and can also cause a lot of problems to humans. The frogs are predominantly found in urban areas and they hang out where there are lights, especially on house walls where they can catch and swallow insects. They are considered to be nuisance because they defecate on walls, and windows, thereby leaving some ugly stains that can be hard to remove. These frogs can also lay their eggs in fish ponds and even take over bird houses completely. The frogs can find their way into homes, and hangout in toilets where they can clock the sink drains.

Cuban tree frogs can grow into large sizes, and they have also been found to cause electricity outages due to their abilities to short-circuit utility switches. They can grow from between 1.5 to 5 inches in length, and have now spread to several Northern American states, aside Florida. The state of Florida often provide its citizens with tree frog range map and people are often advise to report such frogs when they are spotted outside of the range map. You can capture the tree frogs and put them in a plastic bag but you need to wear protective gloves to avoid contact with the slime, secreted on their skins. Contact with Cuba tree frog slime may irritate your eyes and nose, and has also been linked with triggering asthmatic conditions in sufferers.

Do not freeze collected tree frogs overnight as such is regarded as an inhumane treatment, rather you should collect them and send them to the appropriate authorities in your region. Cuban tree frogs cannot be released back into the environment because of the nuisance they constitute.

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