How to keep rodents out of my garden

There are many ways you can do to keep the pests away and make your garden peaceful and untouched by these creatures. Rabbits, moles and other mammals can cause havoc at anytime without our consent. This explains how impulsive a house owner can be when seeing those teeth ruining the beauty of our garden.

Identify the creature

Once you learn which type of animal that causes the damage on your garden, you can opt for effective solution. Determining the animal can help you take the next step.

Create a less attractive garden

It’s hard to keep away the mammals out from your garden when you have tall grass or piles. It is an ideal place for them to hide and crawl on the decks. Hence, what you can do is to minimize the sources of foods that could give them place to eat. Birdseed must be cleaned to avoid any squirrels from entering. There are beneficial methods such as reducing the population of grubs.

Consider various ways

It’s not appropriate to shoot a mammal due to the laws and restrictions in your area. Poisons or smoke bombs can kill the pests and these aren’t really a perfect solution. The best thing to do would be to capture the wildlife and let them go. You can use a safer method to keep them away from your garden. Repellents are great pest controller. Castor oil or predator urine for instance, this will keep them away. You can also make homemade natural repellent from peppers or castor bean – as this will discourage them from approaching your garden.

There are many scare devices that you can use in your garden. Some devices are visually scary to them – faux predator or reflective tape is two among many items to try. However, these are temporary method because once the pest identifies them, they will not be scared to the devices. The effectiveness will decrease over time. You should make lots of different strategies from time to time and trying new methods to scare them away. Rodents are very persistent when it comes to finding food and they will never give on trying new methods to get to it. The same applies to your garden as a plentiful source of fresh food. Educate yourself or contact professionals to find out about new methods to scare rodents out of your garden and to protect your vegetables safe.

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Select Your Animal

RaccoonsRaccoon Control Education and Services

SquirrelsSquirrel Control Education and Services

OpossumOpossum Control Education and Services

SkunksSkunk Control Education and Services

RatsRat Control Education and Services

MiceMouse Control Education and Services

MolesMole Control Education and Services

GroundhogGroundhog Control Education and Services

ArmadillosArmadillo Control Education and Services

BeaverBeaver Control Education and Services

FoxFox Control Education and Services

CoyotesCoyote Control Education and Services

BirdsBird Control Education and Services

BatsBat Control Education and Services

SnakesSnake Control Education and Services

DeadDead Animal Control Education and Services