What are the types of animals that eat your plants?

Nature is uncontrollable. Although we try our best to keep invasive plants from taking over our gardens, nature has a way of winning almost every time. Wild life, whether flora or fauna is almost always an unpredictable element. There are a number of prevalent creatures that devastate our yards, and our gardens. Foxes, although typically skittish, can be attracted lure of easily accessible food found in neighborhoods. Foxes don’t typically eat vegetables out of gardens but good fruit gardens are at risk along with pet food, garbage and small creatures drawn to our gardens. Fencing in your yard and garden might keep these animals at bay for a while, none the less nature always finds a way they are very skittish and if you make loud noises they will typically run off. Typically all neighborhoods anywhere near woods are going to have deer. They are not so much the Invaders, displaced survivors whose habitat has been slowly taken over by our modern Urbanization.

Despite this, the deer, herbivores by nature, are doing their best to adapt by feeding on available flowers and plants even if does just happen to be your yard! There have been allot of restrictions of hunting for deer within city Limits, so it’s kind of hard to get rid of them. They can jump large fences easily. However Deer are very skittish as well and tend to keep away from people, thus are nocturnal. Keeping a pet in the back yard should keep them away. The next most common garden thief is rabbits. Rabbits are agile as well as herbivores. They live in mounds and can populate an area quickly. Rabbits however are a little easier to take care of as there are poisons and traps that can rid your area of them as well.

Rabbits are voracious eater and will quickly demolish an entire yard. Rabbits will eat seeds, buds, sprouts, as well as stripping developed plants of all leaves. Rabbits also chew the bark and tender growth from immature trees. Many of the plants, trees and shrubs that rabbits feed on die from the abuse. The best defense against rabbits is prevention. Protecting your Garden with an adequate fence will save you a lot of trouble.

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