How to keep frogs out of your pool or house

The swimming pools may attract different types of the wildlife when you are not that careful. The moisture can lead to algae or mold when the water is not chlorinated well. This is even true when there are many grasses or trees in the area. The frogs may be also a problem because they are going to jump into the pool and they will not be able to get out on their own. Being able to keep the frogs out of the house or the swimming pool may be accomplished when you do some little preparation.

Have the fence on the pool. Such barrier can prevent the frogs against falling or jumping in the pool. Having a solid fence is good compared to the chain link since some small frogs may fit into the gaps in the chain-link fence. You may cover the pool if it is not being used. This is going to keep the frogs against falling in the water and you will remove the frogs that you find over the cover before you uncover the swimming pool. You should remove the potted plants, ferns, shrubs and woodpiles near the pool because they can reduce the habitat where the frogs may like to live.

At night, turn off the lights found near the pool. The lights can draw different types of insects and they attract the frogs that will be following these insects to be the source of their foods. You can use the insecticide to kill the insects near the pool and the house. When you reduce the source of the food to the frogs, you will force them to relocate and to reduce how many frogs you can have in the place. You may spray near the pool the vinegar or salt water. Such solution can lead to the burning sensation to the feet of the frogs and you may send them to go back where they come from. When everything else has failed, use the repellant around the area of the home or the pool. The repellants are normally toxic and they may kill the frogs and other creatures that may come into their contacts. The frogs may reduce the population of insects in your place and they can be harmless. You have to worry if you only have poisonous types and if you want to get rid of them you may also introduce the natural predators like snake or cats.

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