Why do woodpeckers peck on your house?

Woodpeckers have sharp beaks, very long tongues, tails that are stiff and stout and sharp claws. These birds are perfect climbers and they always peck for larvae and ants within the wood.

Diet and habitat

Woodpeckers are usually found on utility poles, fence posts that are wooden among other wooded areas. These birds usually feed on insects that live on trees or wood bores. They also feed on native berries, nuts and seeds

Why do woodpeckers peck on the house?

Woodpeckers peck on houses made of wood and trees mainly in search of food. There are also instances where they peck on wood to create their nesting site. They also drum and peck on houses in a rhythmic succession and rapid sound in order to establish their own territory and also attract other mates.

In most cases, wood peckers drum during the spring period to attract their mates, the drumming can take place a number of times during the day and may last a couple of months. Moreover, wood peckers are known to be very persistent which makes it hard to drive them away from their territory.

How to identify the damages caused by woodpeckers

They drill holes into the siding
Woodpeckers usually peck on the siding wooden trees to feed on insect larvae especially when the insects are hibernating. They always drill holes in a straight line and horizontal.

Drumming on the wood
In order to create a territorial zone or attract mates, woodpeckers usually drum on wooden trees, wood, plumbing vents, poles, hollows and wooden siding. Therefore they cause a lot of damage to the wood and metal work and the constant noise they produce can be very annoying.

Woodpeckers damage live trees
Woodpeckers also suck sap from live trees therefore they make a lot of holes on live trees; multiple holes are very dangerous because they make the tree susceptible to diseases among other damages. In addition, it lowers the value of hardwood timber.

Prevention of damage caused by woodpeckers

Controlling the insects
Ensure that insects on trees are completely destroyed using pesticides among other techniques, it is also important to ensure that insect nesting are completely destroyed and all their entry holes into live trees completely sealed up before woodpeckers seek out for their larvae.

Using repellents
Use repellents as soon as you discover woodpeckers to scare them away before they establish their own territory.

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